Student Sexual Harassment Policy
San Diego Unified School District is committed to making the schools free from sexual harassment and discrimination. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination under Title IX of the Education Amendments of the Civil Rights Act of 1972 and is prohibited by both federal and state laws. The district prohibits sexual harassment of students by other students, employees or other persons, at school or at school-sponsored or school-related activities. Sexual harassment is defined in Education Code to mean unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; or verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, made by someone from or in the educational setting. The superintendent or his/her designee shall ensure that district students receive age-appropriate instruction about their rights to be free from sexual harassment, the district procedure for reporting and investigating complaints of sexual harassment including with whom a complaint should be filed.
The district prohibits conduct that has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact on the individual's work or academic performance, or that is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.
The district further prohibits sexual harassment that conditions a student's status, progress, benefits, services, honors, program or activities based on submission to such conduct.
Any student who feels that he/she is being, or has been, sexually harassed by a school employee, another student, or a non-school employee at school or at a school-related event, shall immediately contact his/her teacher or any other district employee. An employee who receives such a complaint shall report it in accordance with administrative procedures.
Employees who violate this policy shall be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal. Any disciplinary action shall be in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and/or collective bargaining agreements.
Students who violate this policy may be subject to discipline, up to and including expulsion, in accordance with district policy, administrative procedure and state law.
The district believes that it can resolve issues of harassment and discrimination at the school site.
For more details click here.